Historic Environment - Local Management: Information and training from English Heritage and partners for decision makers in local authorities

What's New?

  • The value of a well managed, protected and appreciated historic environment to both our quality of life and to the economy is well established. Heritage tourism contributes £20.6 billion to GDP a year whilst research shows that 93% of people think that in improving their local place it is important to save heritage assets.more

  • Britain was the world’s first industrial nation and has a wealth of industrial heritage but many industrial sites have been lost or are at risk due to functional redundancy. English Heritage's survey has shown that the percentage of listed industrial buildings at risk is three times greater than the national average for listed buildings at risk.more

Registration is now open for one of the biggest events in the heritage calendar - the Heritage Alliance’s annual Heritage Day, sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance Group.more


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An archive of past newsletters is also available to view.

  • PDFUnderstanding Place: Character and context in local planning (1354 Kb)
    This document offers ideas for local authorities, councils and communities on the practical uses of historic characterisation within local and neighbourhood planning.

  • PDFThe Maintenance and Repair of Traditional Farm Buildings: A Guide to Good Practice (3893 Kb)
    Farmsteads and buildings are as important to the character of the countryside as the pattern of fields and boundaries associated with them. Together they help to create local identity and sense of place. Traditional farm buildings provide tangible evidence of local history and forgotten skills. Retaining such buildings matters because their history tells us of past practices, technology, innovation and achievements.

  • PDFThe Setting of Heritage Assets (2049 Kb)
    The significance of a heritage asset derives not only from its physical presence and historic fabric but also from its setting – the surroundings in which it is experienced. The careful management of change within the surroundings of heritage assets therefore makes an important contribution to the quality of the places in which we live.