English Heritage guidance


Guidance is listed alphabetically by TITLE. Click on any record to download a PDF document or use a keyword.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All


PDF3D Laser Scanning for Heritage (2543 Kb)


PDFA Charter for English Heritage Planning and Development Advisory Services (196 Kb)

PDFA Landscape Legacy: National Parks and the historic environment (1812 Kb)

PDFA Strategy for English Heritage's Historic Environment Research in Protected Landscapes (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National Parks) (417 Kb)

PDFA Welcome Home - A Sense of Place for a New Thames Gateway (2006 Kb)

PDFAcquisition grants to local authorities to underwrite Repairs Notices (139 Kb)

PDFAdvice for Domestic Energy Assessors (164 Kb)

PDFAdvice on Maintenance of War Memorials (780 Kb)

PDFAffordable Rural Housing & the Historic Environment (1433 Kb)

PDFAn Asset and a Challenge; Heritage and Regeneration in Coastal Towns in England (4443 Kb)

PDFAncient Tree Guides No 1. Trees and Farming (2343 Kb)

PDFAnthrax and Historic Plaster. Managing minor risks in historic building refurbishment (1238 Kb)

PDFAnticipating and responding to the discovery of wall paintings: Practical Information Leaflet 3 (2447 Kb)

PDFArchaeological Science at PPG16 Interventions: Best Practice Guidance for Curators and Commissioning Archaeologists (145 Kb)

PDFArchaeology and development – a good practice guide to managing risk and maximising benefit (175 Kb)

PDFArchaeomagnetic Dating (1065 Kb)

PDFArchaeometallury: Centre for Archaeology Guidelines (3664 Kb)

PDFAssessing the Effect of Road Schemes on Historic Landscape Character (4832 Kb)


PDFBats in Traditional Buildings (6405 Kb)

PDFBiomass Energy and the Historic Environment (981 Kb)

PDFBoundless Horizons: historic landscape characterisation (143 Kb)

PDFBsEST Practice 5 - Principles of Conservation Practice: Engineering the past to meet the needs of the future (244 Kb)

PDFBuilding in context: New development in historic areas (2940 Kb)

PDFBuilding Regulations and Historic Buildings (1106 Kb)

PDFBuilding Sustainable Communities. Actions for housing and market renewal (662 Kb)

PDFBuilding Value: Public benefits of historic farm building repair in the Lake District (Executive Summary) (698 Kb)


PDFCapital Solutions: Modern Conservation in London (2147 Kb)

PDFCapital Spaces: transforming London (1577 Kb)

PDFCapital Values: the Contribution of the Historic Environment to London part 1 (2990 Kb)

PDFCapital Values: the Contribution of the Historic Environment to London part 2 (2939 Kb)

PDFCapitalising on the Inherited Landscape: An introduction to historic characterisation for masterplanning (1397 Kb)

PDFCapturing the Public Value of Heritage (1476 Kb)

PDFChange and Creation: historic landscape character 1950-2000. (1209 Kb)

PDFCharacter and identity: Townscape and heritage appraisals in housing market renewal areas (1184 Kb)

PDFClimate Change and the Historic Environment (1034 Kb)

PDFCoastal Defence and the Historic Environment. English Heritage Guidance (2835 Kb)

PDFConservation Principles, Policies and Guidance April 08 (462 Kb)

PDFConstructive Conservation in Practice (5037 Kb)

PDFConversion of Traditional Farm Buildings: A guide to good practice part 1 (2342 Kb)

PDFConversion of Traditional Farm Buildings: A guide to good practice part 2 (2430 Kb)

PDFCulture in local area agreements in London (982 Kb)


PDFDendrochronology: Guidelines on producing and interpreting dendrochronological dates (1239 Kb)

PDFDeveloping Best Practice Guidance for Local Heritage Assets (256 Kb)

PDFDiscovering the Past, Shaping the Future: Research Strategy 2005 - 2010 (610 Kb)

PDFDoor and Window Furniture (1127 Kb)

PDFDraughtproofing and secondary glazing (1221 Kb)


PDFEasy Access to Historic Buildings (1454 Kb)

PDFEasy Access To Historic Landscapes (1868 Kb)

PDFEnabling development and the conservation of significant places (366 Kb)

PDFEnergy conservation in traditional buildings (1480 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Application of Part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings (4904 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Draught-proofing windows and doors (64 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Early cavity walls (101 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating dormer windows (56 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating flat roofs (82 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating pitched roofs at ceiling level - cold roofs (74 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating pitched roofs at rafter level - warm roofs (88 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating solid ground floors (67 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating solid walls (75 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating thatched roofs (65 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating timber-framed walls (71 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulation of suspended timber floors (70 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Open fires, chimneys and flues (79 Kb)

PDFEnergy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Secondary glazing for windows (71 Kb)

PDFEnergy Performance Certificates for Historic and Traditional Homes (205 Kb)

PDFEnergy Savings (597 Kb)

PDFEngland’s Historic Waterways: A working heritage (1865 Kb)

PDFEngland's Heritage - Your Heritage (1097 Kb)

PDFEngland's Rock Art - Prehistoric Rock Art of England: Recording, managing and enjoying our carved heritage (3777 Kb)

PDFEnglish Heritage Research Agenda: An introduction to English Heritage’s Research Themes and Programmes (2043 Kb)

PDFEnvironmental Archaeology: A guide to the theory and practice of methods from sampling and recovery to post-excavation (6077 Kb)

PDFEnvironmental Quality in Spatial Planning: Incorporating the natural, built and historic environment, and rural issues in plans and strategies. (638 Kb)

PDFEnvironmental Quality in Spatial Planning: Supplementary files. (479 Kb)

PDFE-Planning (209 Kb)

PDFExternal Lighting for Historic Buildings (1296 Kb)


PDFFarming the Historic Landscape. Caring for Archaeological Sites in Grassland (791 Kb)

PDFFarming the Historic Landscape. Caring for Archaeological Sites on Arable Land (1121 Kb)

PDFFarming the Historic Landscape. Caring for Farm Buildings (971 Kb)

PDFFarming the Historic Landscape: An introduction for farm advisers (3250 Kb)

PDFFarming the Historic Landscape: Caring for Historic Parkland (519 Kb)

PDFFarming the Historic Landscape: Entry Level Stewardship (390 Kb)

PDFFire Research Database (523 Kb)

PDFFlooding and Historic Buildings (2855 Kb)

WordForm for submitting Archaeological Science Data to Historic Environment Records (37 Kb)

PDFFuture of Historic School Buildings (2005) (797 Kb)


PDFGENTLY DOES IT: a procedural and technical guide to managing the cleansing and disinfection of historic farmsteads in the aftermath of the Foot and Mouth epizotic (365 Kb)

PDFGeoarchaeology: using earth sciences to understand the archaeological record (5724 Kb)

PDFGeophysical Survey in Archaeological Field Evaluation (1288 Kb)

PDFGraffiti on Historic Buildings and Monuments. Methods of removal and preservation 1 of 2 (1991 Kb)

PDFGraffiti on Historic Buildings and Monuments. Methods of removal and preservation 2 of 2 (1872 Kb)

PDFGrants for Cathedrals 2004 (125 Kb)

PDFGrants for Historic Buildings, Monuments and Designed Landscapes (164 Kb)

PDFGrants for War Memorials (87 Kb)

PDFGrants to local authorities to underwrite Urgent Works Notices (Section 54, Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990) (108 Kb)

PDFGreen Flag Award Leaflet (131 Kb)

PDFGreen Heritage Site Leaflet (228 Kb)

PDFGrowing Places: Heritage and a Sustainable Future for the Thames Gateway pages 1 - 10 (2515 Kb)

PDFGrowing Places: Heritage and a Sustainable Future for the Thames Gateway pages 11-20 (2407 Kb)

PDFGrowing Places: Heritage and a Sustainable Future for the Thames Gateway pages 21-30 (2602 Kb)

PDFGuidance for best practice for treatment of human remains excavated from Christian burial grounds in England (1601 Kb)

PDFGuidance Note for Crown Bodies on Scheduled Monument Clearance in England (34 Kb)

PDFGuidance note for Crown Bodies on the removal of crown immunity and their historic estate (35 Kb)

PDFGuidance Note on Historic Environment Champions (199 Kb)

WordGuidance note on the new SMC process (73 Kb)

PDFGuidance on Assessing the Risk Posed by Land Contamination and its Remediation on Archaeological Resource Management (980 Kb)

PDFGuidance on tall buildings 2007 (71 Kb)

PDFGuidelines for the addition of Archaeological Science data to Historic Environment Records (257 Kb)

PDFGuidelines on the X-radiography of archaeological metalwork (1349 Kb)


PDFHeating and Ventilation (4132 Kb)

PDFHELM Leaflet (633 Kb)

PDFHeritage at Risk: Conservation Areas (808 Kb)

PDFHeritage Counts 2003 summary.pdf (50 Kb)

PDFHeritage Counts 2004 Summary (1087 Kb)

PDFHeritage Counts 2005 Summary (486 Kb)

PDFHeritage Counts England 2010 (2738 Kb)

PDFHeritage Dividend 2002.pdf (1267 Kb)

PDFHeritage Dividend Methodology: Measuring the Impact of Heritage Projects (385 Kb)

PDFHeritage Dividend Methodology: Valuing the Historic Environment 2 (792 Kb)

PDFHeritage of Historic Suburbs (1547 Kb)

PDFHeritage Works: The use of historic buildings in regeneration (669 Kb)

PDFHistoric farm buildings: constructing the evidence base (2783 Kb)

WordHistoric Environment - Local Authority Capacity (HELAC) Call for Submissions (44 Kb)

PDFHistoric farm buildings: Extending the evidence base (5219 Kb)

PDFHomes with History (1648 Kb)

PDFHuman Bones from Archaeological Sites- Guidelines for producing assessment documents and analytical report (887 Kb)


PDFIdentifying and protecting Palaeolithic remains: Archaeological guidance for planning authorities and developers (1215 Kb)

PDFIdentifying and Sourcing Stone for Historic Building Repair (2966 Kb)

PDFImplementing the Heritage Protection Reforms: a Report on Local Authority and English Heritage Staff Resources (533 Kb)

PDFImplementing the Heritage Protection Reforms: A Second Report on Local Authority Staff Resources (166 Kb)

PDFInformed Conservation - An Introduction to the Guidelines.pdf (3101 Kb)

PDFInsuring your Historic Building. Churches and chapels 1 of 2 (2225 Kb)

PDFInsuring your Historic Building. Churches and chapels 2 of 2 (2144 Kb)

PDFInsuring your Historic Buildings. Houses and Commercial Buildings 1 of 2 (2538 Kb)

PDFInsuring your Historic Buildings. Houses and Commercial Buildings 2 of 2 (1959 Kb)

PDFIntroducing Easy Access to Historic Buildings (2004) (135 Kb)

PDFInvestigative Conservation: Guidelines on how the detailed examination of artefacts from archaeological sites can shed light on their manufacture and use (4633 Kb)

PDFInvestigative Work on Historic Buildings (1359 Kb)

PDFInvestment Performance of Listed Offices (245 Kb)


PDFKnowing Your Place - Heritage and Community-Led Planning in the Countryside (3621 Kb)


PDFLarge digital screens in public spaces: Joint guidance from English Heritage and CABE (986 Kb)

PDFLead Roofs on Historic Buildings. An advisory note on underside lead corrosion 1 of 4 (2079 Kb)

PDFLead Roofs on Historic Buildings. An advisory note on underside lead corrosion 2 of 4 (2149 Kb)

PDFLead Roofs on Historic Buildings. An advisory note on underside lead corrosion 3 of 4 (2087 Kb)

PDFLead Roofs on Historic Buildings. An advisory note on underside lead corrosion 4 of 4 (1799 Kb)

PDFLEADER and the Historic Environment (719 Kb)

PDFLightning Protection For Churches: A guide to design and installation (2672 Kb)

PDFListing is Changing (2005) (231 Kb)

PDFLiving buildings in a living landscape: finding a future for traditional farm buildings (1584 Kb)

PDFLiving buildings in a living landscape: finding a future for traditional farm buildings long version (4108 Kb)

PDFLocal Area Agreements and the Historic Environment (773 Kb)

PDFLocal Authority Archaeological Services: Report on staffing and casework surveys 1997-2003 (1320 Kb)

PDFLocal Authority Conservation Provision in England: Research project into staffing, casework and resources (837 Kb)

PDFLocal Authority Conservation Provision leaflet (1247 Kb)

PDFLocal Strategic Partnerships and the Historic Environment (2005) (637 Kb)

PDFLondon Terrace Houses 1660-1860 1 of 2 (2528 Kb)

PDFLondon Terrace Houses 1660-1860 2 of 2 (2550 Kb)

PDFLow Demand Housing 2005 (1387 Kb)

PDFLow Demand Housing Model Brief (2005) (74 Kb)

PDFLuminescence Dating (1330 Kb)


PDFMaking the Most of Your Local Heritage: A Guide for Overview and Scrutiny Committees (686 Kb)

PDFMaking The Past Part Of Our Future: English Heritage Strategy 2005 - 2010 (1559 Kb)

PDFManagement of Research Projects in the Historic Environment: The MoRPHE Project Managers’ Guide (1731 Kb)

PDFManaging Earthwork Monuments - Appendix (210 Kb)

PDFManaging Earthwork Monuments - Introduction (1367 Kb)

PDFManaging Earthwork Monuments - Section B (495 Kb)

PDFManaging Earthwork Monuments - Section C (1640 Kb)

PDFManaging Heritage Assets (568 Kb)

PDFManaging Lithic Scatters: Archaeological guidance for planning authorities and developers (770 Kb)

PDFManaging Local Authority Heritage Assets Leaflet (442 Kb)

PDFManaging local authority heritage assets. Some guiding principles for decision-makers (8481 Kb)

PDFMarine Aggregate Dredging and the Historic Environment (2003) (3415 Kb)

PDFMetal Windows (646 Kb)

PDFMicro wind generation and traditional buildings (1085 Kb)

PDFMicrogeneration in the Historic Environment (770 Kb)

PDFMilitary Aircraft Crash Sites. Archaeological guidance on their significance and future management (2445 Kb)

PDFMilitary Wall Art. Guidelines on its significance, conservation and management_2004 (321 Kb)

PDFMineral Extraction and Archaeology: A Practice Guide (2317 Kb)

PDFMineral Extraction and the Historic Environment (1533 Kb)

PDFMoats, Ponds and Ornamental Lakes in the Historic Environment (2729 Kb)

PDFMoving Towards Excellence in Urban design and Conservation_2003 (364 Kb)


PDFNew Uses for Former Places of Worship (2641 Kb)

PDFNew Work in Historic Places of Worship (688 Kb)

PDFNighthawking Survey (7198 Kb)

PDFNighthawks and Nighthawking: Damage to Archaeological Sites in the UK & Crown Dependencies caused by Illegal Searching & Removal of Antiquities (5882 Kb)


PDFOur Portable Past (1150 Kb)

PDFOutstanding Beauty Outstanding Heritage: AONBs and the Historic Environment (570 Kb)


PDFParadise Preserved: An introduction to the assessment, evaluation, conservation and management of historic cemeteries (6021 Kb)

PDFParadise Preserved: Registered cemeteries in date order with notes on principal reasons for designation and designers and architects (226 Kb)

PDFParadise Preserved: Updated list of cemeteries included in English Heritage’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest (January 2011) and the register criteria (217 Kb)

PDFPark Keeper, The (1047 Kb)

PDFPiling and Archaeology (2652 Kb)

PDFPillars of the community: The transfer of local authority heritage assets (3782 Kb)

PDFPorts: the impact of development on the maritime historic environment (428 Kb)

PDFPractical Conservation Guidelines for Successful Hospitality Events in Historic Houses (648 Kb)

PDFPractical considerations for the design and implementation of refurbishment projects of historic school buildings (7145 Kb)

PDFPresentation of Historic Building Survey in CAD 1 of 2.pdf (949 Kb)

PDFPresentation of Historic Building Survey in CAD 2 of 2.pdf (737 Kb)

PDFPrinciples of Conservation Practice: Engineering the past to meet the needs of the future (705 Kb)

PDFProduction of Wall Painting Conservation Documents. Practical information leaflet 1_2002.pdf (153 Kb)

PDFProtected Wreck Sites At Risk: A Risk Management Handbook (537 Kb)

PDFProtocol for the Care of the Government Historic Estate (2556 Kb)


PDFRadiocarbon Dates ALSF 2002-4 (4186 Kb)

PDFRe-Arch: English Heritage Policy Statement on Restoration, Reconstruction, and Speculative Recreation of Archaeological Sites including Ruins (2001) (158 Kb)

PDFRefurbishing Historic School Buildings (1789 Kb)

PDFRegeneration and the Historic Environment: Heritage as a catalyst for better social and economic regeneration (2005) (305 Kb)

PDFRegeneration in Historic Coastal Towns (1694 Kb)

PDFRepair grants for places of worship in England 2005 to 2007 (196 Kb)

PDFRetail Development in Historic Areas (755 Kb)

PDFRoyal Mail Letter Boxes. A joint policy statement by Royal Mail and English Heritage (1529 Kb)


PDFSaving London: 20 Years of Heritage at Risk in the Capital (2248 Kb)

PDFScheduled Monument Consent - A Guide for Owners and Occupiers (91 Kb)

PDFScheduled Monuments at Risk: East Midlands region (653 Kb)

PDFScience for Historic Industries: Guidelines for the investigation of 17th- to 19th-century industries (3905 Kb)

PDFSeeing the History in the View: A Method for Assessing Heritage Significance Within Views (3580 Kb)

PDFShared Interest - Part 1 (304 Kb)

PDFShared Interest - Part 2 (2876 Kb)

PDFShared Interest - Part 3 (2670 Kb)

PDFShared Statements of Ambition for Conserving and Enjoying the Local Historic Environment Part A: Heritage Leadership (1143 Kb)

PDFShifting Sands. Design and the changing image of English Seaside Towns_2003 (513 Kb)

PDFShoreline Management Plan Review and the Historic Environment: English Heritage Guidance (334 Kb)

PDFSmall scale solar electric (photovoltaics) energy and traditional buildings (1020 Kb)

PDFSmall-scale solar thermal energy and traditional buildings (1212 Kb)

PDFStone Slate Roofing: Technical advice note (3684 Kb)

PDFStopping the Rot (9279 Kb)

PDFStrategic Environment Assessment: Consultation Bodies' Services and Standards for Responsible Authorities (284 Kb)

PDFStrategic Environmental Assessment, Sustainability Appraisal and The Historic Environment (529 Kb)

PDFStreamlining listed building consent. Lessons from the use of management agreements_2003.pdf (2135 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 1 Fixing signs, lights and CCTV to buildings (572 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 10 How to do a street audit (436 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 2 Parking restrictions without yellow lines (489 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 3 Guardrails and crossings (582 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 4 Historic Surfaces (502 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 5 Traffic Calming (444 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 6 Tactile Paving (455 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 7 Non standard signs and best use of standards (400 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 8 Reducing sign clutter (479 Kb)

PDFStreets for All : 9 Use of white lines (500 Kb)

PDFStreets for All 2004 (679 Kb)

PDFStreets for All Practical Case Studies: A summary (724 Kb)

PDFStreets for All: A guide to the management of London's streets 1 of 4 (1360 Kb)

PDFStreets for All: A guide to the management of London's streets 2 of 4 (3210 Kb)

PDFStreets for All: A guide to the management of London's streets 3 of 4 (3707 Kb)

PDFStreets for All: A guide to the management of London's streets 4 of 4 (1774 Kb)

PDFStudy of the social and economic impacts and benefits of traditional farm building and drystone wall repairs in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Part 1 (5680 Kb)

PDFStudy of the social and economic impacts and benefits of traditional farm building and drystone wall repairs in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Part 2 (1666 Kb)

PDFStudy of the social and economic impacts and benefits of traditional farm building and drystone wall repairs in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Part 3 (7775 Kb)

PDFStudy of the social and economic impacts and benefits of traditional farm building and drystone wall repairs in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Part 4 (2968 Kb)

PDFStudy of the Social and Economic Impacts and Benefits of Traditional Farm Building Repair and Re-use in the Lake District ESA (4226 Kb)

PDFSuburbs and the Historic Environment (689 Kb)

PDFSurge Protection Equipment: A guide to selection and installation in historic buildings (1816 Kb)


PDFTaking to the Water. English Heritage Initial Policy for The Management of Maritime Archaeology in England_2002.pdf (151 Kb)

PDFTemporary Protection of Wall Paintings During Building Works. Practical information leaflet 2_2002.pdf (149 Kb)

PDFTemporary Structures in Historic Places: Guidance for local planning authorities, site owners and event organisers (962 Kb)

PDFThatch and Thatching (6955 Kb)

PDFThatching Decision Tree and Guidance Note (24 Kb)

PDFThe Canopy - London’s Urban Forest: A Guide for Designers, Planners and Developers (2170 Kb)

PDFThe Disposal of Heritage Assets (2285 Kb)

PDFThe European Landscape Convention -The English Heritage Action Plan for Implementation (1713 Kb)

PDFThe Protection & Management of World Heritage Sites in England (317 Kb)

PDFTheft of metal roof coverings from churches and other historic buildings (404 Kb)

PDFThird report on Local Authority Staff Resources Produced by English Heritage, the Association of Local Government Officers and the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (48 Kb)

PDFTimber panelled doors and fire: upgrading the fire resistance performance of timber panelled doors and frames (5386 Kb)

PDFTimber Sash Windows_1997.pdf (1158 Kb)

PDFTraditional Building Craft Skills: Skills needs analysis of the Building heritage sector in England 2005 (5411 Kb)

PDFTreatment of Disused Lead Mine Shafts: A Guide to Good Practice (2538 Kb)

PDFTwentieth-Century Military Sites. Current approaches to their recording and conservation_2003.pdf (1157 Kb)


PDFUnderstanding Historic Buildings: A guide to good recording practice - Part 1 (1866 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Historic Buildings: A guide to good recording practice - Part 2 (2239 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Historic Buildings: A guide to good recording practice - Part 3 (1511 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Historic Buildings: Policy and Guidance for Local Planning Authorities (898 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Place: An Introduction (1102 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Place: Conservation Area Designation, Appraisal and Management (666 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Place: Historic Area Assessments - Principles and Practice (1776 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding Place: Historic Area Assessments in a Planning and Development Context (538 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding SAP ratings for historic and traditional homes (174 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding the Archaeology of Landscapes Part 1 (4244 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding the Archaeology of Landscapes Part 2 (1853 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding the Archaeology of Landscapes Part 3 (5577 Kb)

PDFUnderstanding the Archaeology of Landscapes Part 4 (8247 Kb)

PDFUsing Historic Landscape Characterisation (7564 Kb)

PDFUsing Mineral Extraction and Archaeology: A Practice Guide in conjunction with Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment (369 Kb)


PDFValuing Our Heritage (3052 Kb)

PDFValuing Places: Good Practice in Conservation Areas (6382 Kb)


PDFWaterlogged Wood (2489 Kb)

PDFWhere on Earth Are We. The Global Positioning System (GPS) in archaeological field survey (1531 Kb)

PDFWhy your Authority should appoint an Historic Environment Champion (547 Kb)

PDFWind Energy and the Historic Environment (877 Kb)

PDFWindow Comparisons (854 Kb)

PDFWith Alidade and Tape: Graphical and plane table survey of archaeological earthworks (3664 Kb)


PDFYour Heritage Needs You (441 Kb)

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