Case Study Search Results

2 case studies were found
  1. Norwich - Prince of Wales Road
    Norwich - Prince of Wales Road
    Pedestrian guardrails have been used extensively since the 1940s, as part of the ongoing attempt to reduce conflict between pedestrians and vehicles in town centres. It has been especially favoured on the approaches to pedestrian crossings, and on signal controlled junctions where the pedestrian desire line was different to the safe controlled route. This segregation of pedestrians has resulted in higher vehicle speeds in some town and city centres, as drivers perceive a reduced risk of conflict with pedestrians, and feel more secure in their environment. However the barriers can be extremely unsightly in sensitive environments and can seriously disfigure and clutter the view of historic streets especially. In addition, they can do as much to trap pedestrians on the carriageway as to deter them from crossing.
  2. Norwich Broadland Housing Association Programme
    Norwich Broadland Housing Association Programme
    Norwich Broadland Housing Association Programme- Listed buildings have been restored for the triple motives of preserving historic architecture, providing high quality affordable homes and leading regeneration of Norwich.

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