Guidance Search Results

31 results were found
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  1. LA guidance
    Residential design guidance : Roof extensions
    Advice on how to extend residential properties
  2. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings : guidance notes for owners
    Brief guidance on listed buildings in Chelmsford
  3. LA guidance
    James Fenton (1805 - 1875) Architect, Surveyor and Engineer
    Heritage Information factsheet on James Fenton and the mark he left on Chelmsford in the mid nineteenth century
  4. LA guidance
    Chelmsford-Moulsham Street Conservation Area
    Conservation area character appraisal
  5. LA guidance
    Historic Buildings at risk in Chelmsford Borough
    A register of buildings known to be at risk through neglect or decay, or those vulnerable in the future in Chelmsford
  6. LA guidance
    Urban Site Guidance
    Guidance on Urban Sites for designers, developers and planners.
  7. LA guidance
    Conservation - A Residents Guide
    Provides information about heritage conservation in Southend. It includes information on individual conservation areas, listed buildings, archaeology and other heritage topics.
  8. LA guidance
    The Essex Design Guide
    A guide for the design of new housing in residential and mixed use areas including planning context, application, site appraisal and case studies.
  9. LA guidance
    Conservation in Essex (No.4): Historic Buildings
    Advice on listing, historic charcter and details, repairs, alterations and extensions to historic buildings
  10. LA guidance
    Guidance Notes for Owners of Listed Buildings
    Very basic guidance notes for owners of listed buildings including advice on how to care for your building.
  11. LA guidance
    Wattle and Daub
    Advice on the maintenance, repair and conservation of wattle and daub panels in traditional houses and service buildings.
  12. LA guidance
    Advice on the maintenance, repair and conservation of timber cladding on traditional houses and service buildings.
  13. LA guidance
    Looking After Your Old Buildings
    A guide to the concept of heritage and the implications of listing, scheduling and conservation areas.
  14. LA guidance
    The Conservation and Renewal of Timber Windows
    A guide to the history of windows, the issues surrounding their repair and replacement, and the methods of repair and thermal improvement
  15. LA guidance
    Traditional Building Materials in Essex: No.1 Pargetting
    An account of the history and art of pargetting, and advice on repair
  16. LA guidance
    Plastering and Limewash
    Advice on the maintenance, repair and conservation of plastered and limewashed surfaces on traditional houses and service buildings
  17. LA guidance
    The Changing Church
    A guide to developing and adapting church buildings including design principles and preliminary steps
  18. LA guidance
    Advice on the maintenance, repair and conservation of old brickwork in traditional houses and service buildings
  19. LA guidance
    Our House Isn't Big Enough!
    Design guidance for extensions to listed buildings
  20. LA guidance
    Conservation in Essex (No.8): Infill in Historic Areas
    Provides guidance on the design of new buildings in conservation areas
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