Guidance Search Results

59 results were found
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  1. LA guidance
    Conservation Guide 2: the Conservation of Listed Buildings and other Older Buildings - Information for Owners
    Notes on the detailed elements of conserving historic buildings, including chimneys, structural defects, roofs and gutters, doors, brick and brickwork, windows, render, stone and insurance.
  2. LA guidance
    Conservation Guide 4: Listed Building Consent
    Provides information on what listing means, exterior works, attachments to structure, interior alterations, alterations within the curtilage, demolition, and applying for listed building consent.
  3. LA guidance
    Conservation Guide 5: Listed Buildings - Background to the Legislation
    A guide to the listing process including the grades, the background, technical and financial assistance, emergency repairs, maintenance, alterations and insurance.
  4. LA guidance
    Thatch in Hampshire: Sustaining a Tradition
    Provides information on the history and characteristics of thatching, maintenance and repair of thatched buildings and the future of thatching.
  5. LA guidance
    Conservation Guide 6: Shopfronts and Advertising in Conservation Areas
    Guidelines for the alteration, replacement or provision of new shopfronts and associated advertisements in conservation areas. Includes the general principles and the elements of good shopfront design.
  6. LA guidance
    Farm Buildings: A Design Guide for Hampshire
    Provides guidance on the design of farm buildings including advice on planning controls and materials to use.
  7. LA guidance
    Conservation Guide 3: Historic Building Grants
    Provides information on works that may be considered for grant aid including the criteria for assessment, the levels of grant assistance, how the system works and eligibility for grant assistance.
  8. LA guidance
    Conservation Guide 1: Conservation Areas
    A guide to the conservation area concept including conservation area action plans, proposed development in conservation areas, designation of conservation areas and grant aid
  9. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas - Article 4(2) Directions
    Provides explanatory notes for owners and occupiers and a list of properties to which Article 4(2) Direction applies
  10. LA guidance
    Conservation Directory: Conservation Areas in East Hampshire
    Contains a series of guidance notes including conservation areas in East Hampshire, listed buildings, trees in conservation areas and grants
  11. LA guidance
    Shopfronts Design Guide for East Hampshire
    Planning guide to be used when discussions on shopfronts are held between the Council and local businesses. Includes the general principles of shopfront design.
  12. LA guidance
    Listed Building in East Hampshire
    A guide to explain what listed buildings are and how they affect owners and occupiers.
  13. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings - A guide to the Law
    Explains what "listing" means.
  14. LA guidance
    The Historic Environment - Listed Buildings
    Adopted SPG. Provides advice on maintenance and improvement of listed buildings. also provides guidance on the law and how to apply for LBC
  15. LA guidance
    The Historic Environment - Conservation Areas
    Adopted SPG. Provides general advice on the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.
  16. LA guidance
    The Historic Environment - Buildings of Local Interest
    Adopted SPG. Provides general advice for development proposals and a set of criteria for identifying and appraising.
  17. LA guidance
    Planning Controls in Conservation Areas
    Provides advice on planning matters affecting conservation areas.
  18. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas: A Guide to the Law and Your Responsibilities
    Conservation Areas in Fareham, planning considerations and advice.
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