Guidance Search Results

59 results were found
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  1. LA guidance
    Duston Conservation Area
    A description of this conservation area which includes a map of its boundary and information on listed buildings within it.
  2. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings
    Explains the ramifications of owning a listed buildings
  3. LA guidance
    Derngate Conservation Area
    A description of this conservation area which includes a map of its boundary and information on listed buildings within it.
  4. LA guidance
    Grants for Historic Buildings
    Explains the HBG system and what is eligible
  5. LA guidance
    Dallington Conservation Area
    A description of this conservation area which includes a map of its boundary and information on listed buildings within it.
  6. LA guidance
    Archaeological Sites in Northampton
    Provides descriptions and maps of SAMs and other archaeological areas
  7. LA guidance
    Collingtree Conservation Area
    A description of this conservation area which includes a map of its boundary and information on listed buildings within it.
  8. LA guidance
    Shop Front Design Guide
    Provides guidance on the best practice for tradtional shop fronts
  9. LA guidance
    Barrack Road Conservation Area
    A description of this conservation area which includes a map of its boundary and information on listed buildings within it.
  10. LA guidance
    All Saints Conservation Area
    A description of this conservation area which includes a map of its boundary and information on listed buildings within it.
  11. LA guidance
    Register of Craftsmen
    A list of craftsmen within the Northamptonshire area such as Blacksmiths, Stone Masons & Building Conservation.
  12. LA guidance
    King's Cliffe / Duddington / Easton-on-the-Hill and Collyweston Conservation Areas
    A guide to these conservation areas included permotted developement, the duties of owners and occupiers and guidelines on features such as extensions & satellite dishes.
  13. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings in Northamptonshire
    A guide to listed buildings including legal responsibilities, planning guidance, alterations and looking after listed buildings.
  14. LA guidance
    Thrapston Conservation Area
    A guide to the Thrapston conservation area including eligible properties & works and how to apply for grants and listed building consent.
  15. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas Planning Controls
    A guide to conservation areas including what they are, the effects of designation and the permission needed for development
  16. LA guidance
    Historic Building Grants
    A guide to the grants scheme including how to apply for listed building consent.
  17. LA guidance
    Building on Tradition
    A guide to character areas incluidng design implications and the re-use of traditional buildings
  18. LA guidance
    Register of Thatches
    A guide to registered thatches within East Northamptonshire
  19. LA guidance
    Village Design Statement
    A guide to the village design statements including the objectives and Council support
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