Guidance Search Results

23 results were found
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  1. LA guidance
    Design Guides for Westminster
    A range of design guides for different areas within Westminster including Wilton Row, Bond Street, Queen's Park Estate, Regent Street, Relton Mews and Pimlico
  2. LA guidance
    Shopfronts, Blinds and Signs
    A guide to the design of shopfronts, blinds and signs that are appropriate for the area.
  3. LA guidance
    Repairs and Alterations to Listed Buildings
    Explains what listed buildings are and how listed building legislation affects owners and occupiers. It also provides information on suitable repair methods.
  4. LA guidance
    A Guide to Care and Maintenance of Stucco
    Provides information for the care and maintenance of Stucco buildings within the area including information on planning consents, suitable materials and methods for repair.
  5. LA guidance
    The Listing of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest
    A guide to listed buildings and how they affect residents including information on available grants.
  6. LA guidance
    The Protection of Historic Buildings
    A guide to structural alterations including information on Council policies, legislation and historic buildings at risk
  7. LA guidance
    Facade Cleaning
    A guide the removal of soiling and paint from brick and stone facades.
  8. LA guidance
    Railings in Westminster
    A guide to the design repair and maintenance of railings within Westminster.
  9. LA guidance
    Architectural Theft
    A guide on the different types of architecture that can be stolen from historic buildings and how the properties can be protected.
  10. LA guidance
    Advertisement Design Guidelines
    A guide to the appropriate design of shop advertisements that compliment the style of the area.
  11. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas
    A guide for property owners explaining what conservation areas are, how they affect residents within them and where they are within Westminster
  12. LA guidance
    Guidelines for the Placing of Tables and Chairs on the Highway
    Supplementary planning guidance on how to apply for approval to place tables and chairs on the highway.
  13. LA guidance
    Trees and Other Planting on Development Sites
    Looks at the importance of incorporating planting and landscaping in the design of new buildings.
  14. LA guidance
    Historic Parks and Gardens
    Provides information about historic parks and gardens within the area, explains the relevant legislation and outlines the Council's policies
  15. LA guidance
    A Planning Guide for Food and Drink Premises
    Supplementary planning guidance that provides advice about the main planning rules connected with food and drink uses and explains why they are necessary.
  16. LA guidance
    Design Guidelines for Shopfront Security
    Provides advice on the most appropriate means of providing shopfront security while maintaining the visual amenity of a building and area
  17. LA guidance
    A Guide to Archaeology and Planning within Westminster
    A guide to local archaeology and how it affects planning applications within Westminster
  18. LA guidance
    A guide to the design and planning procedures required for the addition of conservatories
  19. LA guidance
    Lighting Up the City
    A good practice guide for the illumination of buildings and monuments
  20. LA guidance
    Development and Demolition in Conservation Areas
    Supplementary Planning Guidance that looks at the Council's planning policies with respect to demolition and development in Conservation Areas
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