Guidance Search Results

8 results were found
  1. LA guidance
    King's Cliffe / Duddington / Easton-on-the-Hill and Collyweston Conservation Areas
    A guide to these conservation areas included permotted developement, the duties of owners and occupiers and guidelines on features such as extensions & satellite dishes.
  2. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings in Northamptonshire
    A guide to listed buildings including legal responsibilities, planning guidance, alterations and looking after listed buildings.
  3. LA guidance
    Thrapston Conservation Area
    A guide to the Thrapston conservation area including eligible properties & works and how to apply for grants and listed building consent.
  4. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas Planning Controls
    A guide to conservation areas including what they are, the effects of designation and the permission needed for development
  5. LA guidance
    Historic Building Grants
    A guide to the grants scheme including how to apply for listed building consent.
  6. LA guidance
    Building on Tradition
    A guide to character areas incluidng design implications and the re-use of traditional buildings
  7. LA guidance
    Register of Thatches
    A guide to registered thatches within East Northamptonshire
  8. LA guidance
    Village Design Statement
    A guide to the village design statements including the objectives and Council support

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