Guidance Search Results

9 results were found
  1. LA guidance
    Conservation Area Policy Statement
    Policy Statements for Local conservation areas including Little Common, Pinnerwood Park Estate, Harrow on the Hill Village, & West Towers.
  2. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas Design Guides
    A range of leaflets for local conservation areas including advice on what conservation areas are, extending andrepairing buildings within them. Some of the Conservation Areas included are: West Towers, Pinnerwood Park Estate and East End Farm.
  3. LA guidance
    Shopfronts and Signage
    General guidance on the most appropriate design for shopfronts withni the area including information on signs, advertisements as well as building features such as doors.
  4. LA guidance
    Alteration and Repair of Victorian Terraced Cottages and Houses
    General guidance on the best methods for repairing Victoriam buildings within the area.
  5. LA guidance
    Old Pinner Deer Park
    A description of the Scheduled Ancient Monument and how is affects residents within it.
  6. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas: Residential Planning Guidelines
    A brief guide of what requires planning permission for buildings within conservation areas.
  7. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings
    A brief guide to listed buildings including how buildings are listed and the different grades allocated.
  8. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas
    A brief introduction to conservation areas including what they are and the policies that relate to them.
  9. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas: Replacement Windows
    A guide to the repair and replacement of windows in listed buildings and buildings within conservation areas.

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