Guidance Search Results

14 results were found
  1. LA guidance
    A Guide to Trees in Conservation Areas
    A guide to planting trees in conservation areas
  2. LA guidance
    The Development Team
    An introduction into the Council's planning services team and information on planning applications
  3. LA guidance
    Planning Services Enforcement Policy
    Thsi document policy sets out what individulas and organisations can expect from the Council in carrying out its planning enforcement functions.
  4. LA guidance
    Protocol for Liaison Between the Police and Planners
    This protocol seeks to establish a formal working relationship between the Council and the Police to ensure that the principle of CPTED are reflected in planning decisions.
  5. LA guidance
    Have Your Say at Planning Committees
    Provides advice and guidance on attending and participating in planning committees
  6. LA guidance
    Living in a Conservation Area
    Provides guidance and advice on what conservation areas are and how they affect houses within them.
  7. LA guidance
    Owning a Listed Building
    Provides guidance and advice for owners of listed buildings including advice on obtaining listed building consent.
  8. LA guidance
    Model Delivery Contract for Major Planning Applications
    Provides guidance on delivery contracts for major planning applications
  9. LA guidance
    Employing a Tree Surgeon
    Provides advice and guidance on employing a tree surgeons
  10. LA guidance
    Development Control Customer Charter
    Provides information on the Council's Development Control framework for enhancing the built heritage and countryside
  11. LA guidance
    Ask Us First! Planning Permissions - A Guide for Business
    Provides advice and guidance on planning applications for business premises
  12. LA guidance
    Ask Us First! Planning Applications - A Guide for Householders
    Provides advice and guidance on planning applications to house owners
  13. LA guidance
    Guidance for Planting and Establishing Hedges
    Provides guidance for anyone planning to plant a hedge
  14. LA guidance
    Advertisements and Illuminations
    Provides supplementary planning guidance for advertising and advice on applications for consent

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