Guidance Search Results

7 results were found
  1. LA guidance
    Guide to owning a listed building
    The implications of owning a listed building; selection, grading, legislation, consents, neglect, grants
  2. LA guidance
    Guide to historic windows and their maintenance
    Supplementary planning guidance: Importance of conservation and maintenance of historic windows including historic details, maintenance, repairs, replacement, grants
  3. LA guidance
    Design guide for stonework repairs
    Aims to improve quality of stonework repairs and renovations. Repair, cleaning, repointing, mortars, good and bad practice
  4. LA guidance
    Guide to the conversion of rural buildings
    upplementary planning guidance aiming to achieve sympathetic, high quality conversions: general conversion principles, listed buildings, wildlife
  5. LA guidance
    Design guide for shopfronts
    Principles of good shopfront design, architectural details, materials and colour, advert and signage
  6. LA guidance
    Historic Buildings Grants
    Guide to eligible work and specification requirements for grant aided work
  7. LA guidance
    Colour Scheme Guide
    Advice on a range of BS colours considered suitable for use on historic buildings

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