Guidance Search Results

12 results were found
  1. LA guidance
    What Listing Means - A Guide for Owners and Occupiers of Listed Buildings
    Short leaflet on owners rights and legal position on listed buildings - do's and don'ts.
  2. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas
    A variety of leaflets for local conservation areas containing short descriptions and a plan showing the boundaries of the areas
  3. LA guidance
    West Wiltshire Conservation - Historic Environment Strategy
    General itroduction to the conservation service in the district
  4. LA guidance
    Traditional Building Materials
    Contains information on brick, stone, flint, cob, thatch etc.
  5. LA guidance
    Shopfront Design in Salisbury
    Contains information on the general principles, signs and advertising, design, additional features, and planning laws
  6. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings Maintenance and Repair
    Contains information on the need for repair, structural repairs, masonary and brick repair, roof repair and chimneys.
  7. LA guidance
    Conservation Area Guidance Notes
    Contains information on what conservation area are, planning permission and conservation areas, trees in conservation areas and enhancement scheme
  8. LA guidance
    Listed Buildings Alterations and Extensions
    Contains information on listed building consent, council policies and the use of appropriate material.
  9. LA guidance
    The Conversion of Historic Farm Buildings in the Countryside
    A design guide for converting historic farm buildings
  10. LA guidance
    Provides guidance and policy for thatching.
  11. LA guidance
    Conservation Areas
    Provides information on the general policies for conservation areas
  12. LA guidance
    VAT and Listed Buildings
    Provides a general summary

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