Case Study Search Results

14 case studies were found
  1. Unicorn Court, Weobley, County of Herefordshire
    Unicorn Court, Weobley, County of Herefordshire
    An affordable housing scheme in the village of Weobley, Herefordshire. The development provides a number of houses in a highly sensitive historic area famous for its timber-framed building tradition.
  2. Swan Hotel, Lichfield, Staffordshire
    Swan Hotel, Lichfield, Staffordshire
    On the advice of Lichfield District Council, the developer of the Swan Hotel appointed an historic buildings consultant.
  3. St John's Hospital, Lichfield, Staffordshire
    St John's Hospital, Lichfield, Staffordshire
    The east range of the Grade I listed St John’s Hospital was probably built in 1495
  4. Oswestry Town Centre
    Oswestry Town Centre
    Historic areas are sensitive to the colour and amount of visual street clutter which can reduce the quality of its character. Yellow lines form part of this visual clutter and can detract from the built form, especially in small, narrow streets. The removal of such lines is a goal for conservation areas, but when seen to be essential they should be marked as 50mm wide and primrose or cream in colour.
  5. Reynolds Wharf
    Reynolds Wharf
    By adopting a pro-active approach to the development of the Reynolds Wharf site a very high quality housing development has been achieved within a World Heritage site location. A combination of techniques such as a design brief coupled with partnership working and public involvement has contributed to this.
    Design in Context; Regeneration; Re-use
  6. Sandwell Housing Market Renewal Area - Urban Living
    Sandwell Housing Market Renewal Area - Urban Living
    An Urban Historic Characterisation study was undertaken of the Sandwell HMRA Pathfinder Area to assess and understand the historic environment that has formed and characterised the present urban development that has evolved within the HMRA. The Study will form a base from which urban regeneration and renewal can derive, incorporating features and buildings that form an aesthetic and/or historic union with future development.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Management Plans, Regeneration
  7. Birmingham Jewellery Quarter
    Birmingham Jewellery Quarter
    A Detailed HAA led to the consolidation of three separate conservation areas into a single conservation area encompassing the whole quarter. Subsequently a further 120 buildings in the quarter were statutorily listed as of special architectural and historical interest and in 2005 Birmingham City Council published (as Supplementary Planning Guidance) a design guide for the area. These measures were accompanied by the adoption of planning policies which have been successful in protecting the unique character of the quarter and its fragile manufacturing and craft base whilst permitting controlled new development on its periphery.
  8. Stoneleigh Abbey
    Stoneleigh Abbey
    Stoneleigh Abbey- enabling development secures a viable long term future and use for this Grade I listed mansion.
    Funding, Re-use, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  9. Trentham Gardens
    Trentham Gardens
    Trentham Gardens: Threatened historic park given sustainable future following collective approach by developers, the local community and English Heritage.
    Design in context, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  10. Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project
    Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project
    The Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project: digitised 18th and 19th Century cadastral maps provide a highly accessible record for research, education and as a planning tool.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Education and Outreach, Research & Archives
  11. Village of Hodnet
    Village of Hodnet
    Hodnet- diversifying the rural economy in a large Shropshire village through the aid of the Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS)
    Grants, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  12. Throckmorton Airfield
    Throckmorton Airfield
    Disaster Management: Agreement of archaeological strategy for the site at Throckmorton Airfield, Worcestershire, in the midst of the Foot and Mouth outbreak of 2001 led to the largest single archaeological project in the crisis.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Disaster Management
  13. Crowle Court Barn
    Crowle Court Barn
    Informed decision making- Research through tree-ring dating demonstrates the survival of significant early fabric in a Medieval barn, consequently demolition of this derelict building was prevented at public enquiry.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Designation, Research & Archives
  14. Deserted Medieval Village at Hill Court Farm
    Deserted Medieval Village at Hill Court Farm
    Hill Court Farm example: sustainable solutions for securing the future of archaeology in rural landscapes under Countryside Stewardship.
    Funding, Preservation and Maintenance, Sustainability

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