Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project

The Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project: digitised 18th and 19th Century cadastral maps provide a highly accessible record for research, education and as a planning tool.
©Worcestershire County Council
©Worcestershire County Council

Region: West Midlands

Owner Type: Many

Funding Body: Worcestershire County Council; Local Heritage Initiative

Year of Intervention: 2004

Summary: The Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project: digitised 18th and 19th Century cadastral maps provide a highly accessible record for research, education and as a planning tool.

Description: Tithe and Inclosure maps provide an invaluable source of knowledge about the historic landscape and those who owned and worked the land. The original maps and accompanying apportionment books are fragile, very time consuming to use, and only available at the County Record Office. The demand for access to the information held within these documents is growing.
Issue: The aim of the Worcestershire Tithe and Inclosure Map Project was to increase access but at the same time protect the originals. This was done by transforming the data into a digitised map where each land parcel was a polygon linked to a database containing all the details held in the apportionment books. This information can be viewed as part of the County Council GIS and is available to all on-line. The on-line version holds all the data completed so far but facilities for analysis is limited. The project is ongoing.

The aim was to digitise all the tithe and inclosure maps and associated apportionments for the county. A pilot study funded by Worcestershire County Council led to the development of a robust methodology

  • Tracing of originals at County Record Office
  • Taking digital images of apportionment books
  • Digitisation of tracings using ArcView
  • Entry of all information from apportionment books into an Access® database linked by field parcel number to the ArcView map theme.

The result was publicised. Many local groups were interested in commissioning the production of a digitised version of the tithes maps in their area using Local Heritage Initiative funding. The result was both a GIS theme on the Corporate GIS and the County Historic Environment record and an on-line version, hosted by Worcestershire County Council


The project is not yet finished but the work already completed indicates that it has been successful in

  • Protecting the original documents
  • Increasing use of the data held within the original documents
  • Increasing awareness of the value and importance of the data both within the county council, districts, local societies and the general public
  • Providing an invaluable resource for the Historic Environment Record useful for management, research and education purposes.
  • Being recognised as an exemplar of good practice by the National Archive and other local authorities

Keywords: Assessment and Characterisation, Education and Outreach, Research & Archives

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