Whitefield, Nelson, Lancashire

Whitefield, Nelson, Lancashire
©CABE/English Heritage

Region: North West

Local Authority: Pendle

Funding Body: Private, plus Elevate, EP, HLF, Pendle Council, English Heritage

Summary: Conservation-led sustainable regeneration in a low demand area.

Description: Conservation-led sustainable regeneration in a low demand area.
Issue: Initially, Whitefiled was identified as a clearance area of substandard housing by the local authority. Following two public inquiries the decision was reversed by a concerted campaign led by local residents supported by heritage agencies including English Heritage.

The Prince’s Foundation developed an alternative masterplan following an Enquiry by Design process that advocated a heritage-led approach. The local authority sponsored an international design and developer selection competition to take forward the masterplan, won by R.Gen Developments Ltd. and Maccreanor Lavington Architects.

Pendle Council has established a multi-agency regeneration board to guide the transformation of Whitefield also involving local residents and businesses. Design interventions are informed by a Design and Heritage sub group initially chaired by a CABE enabler. Market research shows a need for greater housing variety from the prevalent two-bed terrace to more flexible, larger homes that would sustain a more diverse community into the future. The heritage and environment-led strategy includes a mix of repairs to historic streetscapes and buildings with new build onto the backs enabling merger into larger units. Super insulated roofs, windows and doors will combine with the thermal mass of the solid stone walls to achieve eco-homes excellent standard and potentially Britain’s first zero carbon conservation led HMR project.


Replacement of traditional back alleys with communal rear gardens will provide a soft, green amenity space for residents. An underground communal rubbish and recycling collection point at the head of the terraces will allow for easier collection, recycling and encourage less waste.

A new linear green space, created from demolishing a terrace of sixteen houses, will contribute to the improved quality of life in the area and be a physical demonstration of change. Underneath excess energy will be stored from a combined heat and power plant supplied from local sources.


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