Beaufort Gardens

36 Beaufort Gardens
©English Heritage

Region: London

Local Authority: Kensington and Chelsea

Summary: The project demonstrated how older properties can positively contribute to a low carbon economy.

Description: As a ‘house in multiple occupation’ regulated by its local authority, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and situated in a conservation area, this unlisted, mid-Victorian, terraced house, was an ideal subject for a ‘Flagship Home’ project.
Issue: To maintain traditional character and meet planning requirements whilst combining innovative energy and design solutions with traditional sustainable green materials.
Strategy: A partnership between the building’s owners, the City of Westminster, and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to encourage greater awareness and use of energy efficiency measures (and a closer working relationship between statutory bodies and building preservation organisations).

The project’s benefits have included

  • Reduction of the property’s carbon dioxide emissions over 60%;
  • Housing 36 residents at an emission rate of 9 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year when the average house of 2 or 3 people generates 6 tonnnes;
  • Cutting fuel bills at the property by more than 60%; and
  • Increasing the property’s National Home Energy Rating from 2 to 9 (10 being the most efficient)


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