Pannier Market, Tiverton

Region: South West

Funding Body: A HLF grant supported this work

Summary: This scheme was for the refurbishment and addition to an existing pannier market to improve and increase operational space and better meet the aspirations of the local community.

Description: The Tiverton Market is in the centre of the historic town of Tiverton, overlying the remains of Tiverton Roman encampment. 
Issue: The historic character of this site was fundamentally associated with its history of trading.  However, the scale and nature of the site was restricting modern trading activity and the site needed to be developed in a way that would increase trading opportunities for the market whilst retaining its core value. 

English Heritage worked with the local authority and developer to provide advice on the application to ensure that the development was undertaken to optimise use of the site with minimum damage to the historic environment.

The market underwent a £3.5 million refurbishment, combining modern aspects with traditional features.  Glass doors are used around the edge of the structure to retain the feel of the original open market, whilst providing more sheltered trading accommodation for contemporary trading. 

Outcome: The development provides a more sustainable basis to the operation of the pannier market which is valued locally as a community asset.  The scheme has provided extra space to enhance the range and quality of goods for sale in the market and the uses to which the structure can be put.  The development has also helped to raise the profile of the area.


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