Harvey's Foundry, Hayle

Region: South West

Funding Body: Funded through a combination of local authority, Objective One, HLF, RDA and English Heritage contributions, phase one and two of this development are complete. This is a high profile scheme that has seen involvement from HRH Prince of Wales, the Prince&

Summary: This development entailed the refurbishment of a collection of historic industrial buildings and new build to create a range of contemporary commercial uses.

Description: Harvey’s Foundry was once a large industrial complex crucial to Hayle’s economy and to world steam engine production.  The Foundry Square is a civic space that has been enhanced as part of the project.
Issue: Harvey’s Foundry is located in an area suffering from the decline of the tourism, fishing and agriculture.  The site needed to be redeveloped and adapted to cater for modern business needs to stimulate regeneration, whilst retaining those elements that were essential for the character of the site.
Strategy: This pioneering project has sympathetically restored the Grade II listed Foundry Square and has created a new facilities for commercial and leisure use.  English Heritage provided advice on the scheme to protect and enhance the historic features of the site and encourage the use of traditional building techniques and materials including locally sourced Cornish slate.

Keywords: Repair, reconstruction, restoration, Re-use

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