Rowstock Cottage, Oxfordshire

Region: South East

Summary: In 2004 a planning application to demolish this unlisted cottage and replace it with a new house, led to an historical and archaeological assessment.

Description: A planning application to demolish this unlisted cottage and replace it with a new house, led to an historical and archaeological assessment.  This was requested by the local planning authority partly in response to concerns raised by the parish council. 
Issue: It was initially thought that Rowstock Cottage might be dated to the early-20th century. However, closer examination of the building showed it was built of cob, a relatively rare building material in this area and had a cottage ornee style comparable to cottage designs of the early- to mid-19th century.
Strategy: Given the previously unrecognised significance of the building, which might have resulted in a request for its spot listing, the applicant adapted the scheme to incorporate sensitive repair and alteration.
Outcome: This new application was then approved.


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