Lodge Farm, Nazeing Common, Essex

Region: South East

Summary: At Lodge Farm, an historic building record of a Grade II listed early-18th century barn and later-19th century farm complex, was undertaken. This satisfied the requirements of a recording condition, attached to the consent, for their conversion to office use.

Description: The Historic Environment Branch of Essex County Council gave the applicant a brief outlining the required investigation which was equivalent to an English Heritage Level 3 record. Recording levels and guidelines on their use are explained in the English Heritage publication, Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good Recording Practice.
Strategy: The record was based on existing architect’s plans and involved historical research, written description and analysis and drawn and photographic survey. It provided a clear understanding of the farms development and how this was driven by the characteristic events that shaped many of the farms in the region. Copies of the report were given to the applicant, agent, local planning authority, Historic Environment Record and Record Office. The latter also received the site archive. 

Historic farm buildings have been identified as a priority in the regional archaeological research framework.  Where works involving adaptive reuse or conversion are acceptable, the Historic Environment Branch recommend the use of conditions, where appropriate, to ensure a record is made of the site before its agricultural function is lost.

This information is enhancing the current level of understanding of the history of farming in Essex.


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