Ovaltine Factory, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire

Region: East of England

Local Authority: Dacorum

Summary: An appraisal of the Ovaltine Factory formed part of an Environmental Impact Assessment prepared on behalf of Fairview New Homes Limited in support of their redevelopment proposals.

Description: Although the site was of historic significance, only the landmark façade merited retention.
Issue: Following advice from the Historic Environment Unit at Hertfordshire County Council, Three Rivers District Council imposed a recording condition on the planning permission. This ensured a full record was made of the factory in advance of its residential development. 
Strategy: It included description, analysis, photographic and drawn record and documentary research. Oral testimonies of former staff ranging from managers to packers were recorded. These not only assisted in the interpretation of the manufacturing process, but also provided a valuable insight into the working and social environment of the buildings.
Outcome: The findings of the record were disseminated in a detailed report, deposited at the County Historic Environment Record and local and regional archives.


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