Brunswick Square

©English Heritage
©English Heritage

Region: London

Local Authority: Camden

Owner Type: Local Authority

Funding Body: English Heritage; Camden Borough

Summary: Regeneration of Brunswick Square, Camden: creating a sense of place and initiating public pride.

Description: Named after Princess Caroline of Brunswick, the square was laid out in 1799 as part of the development of the area on the eastern edge of Bloomsbury. It is listed Grade II on the Register of Parks and Gardens of Historic Interest.
Issue: The square had suffered over the years, losing its original railings in World War II to unsightly chain-link fencing (which was in a state of collapse), and the interior landscaping had become unco-ordinated and generally unkempt, leading to an air of decay and dereliction. This in turn attracted anti-social behaviour, including drug abuse. What should have been a welcome and attractive retreat for local people and visitors had become a virtual no-go area.
Strategy: The opportunity was therefore taken to put this right, and a programme of repair and reinstatement, funded by English Heritage and the London Borough of Camden, was recently completed. Works included various landscaping improvements and the reinstatement of impressive railings and gates, making the area significantly more open and attractive.
Outcome: Regeneration of public spaces such as these is an important component of regeneration in an area and help to give people a sense of place and pride in their community.

Keywords: Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration, Social Inclusion & Access

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