Village of Tynemouth

©English Heritage

Region: North East

Local Authority: North Tyneside

Owner Type: Many

Funding Body: CAPS; HERS; Public; Private

Year of Intervention: 1999 - 2002

Summary: The Village of Tynemouth-Encouraging sustainability in a northern seaside town through the aid of HLF and EH Conservation Area Partnership scheme and Heritage Economic Regeneration Schemes.

Description: The village of Tynemouth is situated on the cliffs overlooking the mouth of the River Tyne. It is busy and vibrant with visitors being drawn to its unspoiled beaches, unique character and historic features.
Issue: The focus of the conservation area is Front Street, which is wide and dominated by cars, and has through and coastal traffic dissecting it. There were also awkward junctions at each end, particularly at the Scott Memorial fountain. Tyneside is increasingly becoming a dormitory settlement and there is a real danger of residents not using the local businesses and services which are essential to maintaining a living community.
Strategy: Heritage funding of £231,184 levered £587,736 public and private funding. The HLF CAP scheme was introduced in 1999 and ran for three years. The scheme sought to reinstate historic public memorials and statues, provide conservation grants for buildings with historic merit, enhance the environment, and encourage the involvement and support of the local community. The CAP scheme was succeeded by HERS in 2001, which aims to attract new business to Tyneside and ensure the sustainability of existing businesses by making the village centre more attractive to residents and visitors. The scheme focuses on the main east-west axis of the village form the station through Front Street to East Street, the main priority being conservation grants to shops and businesses.
Outcome: The CAP scheme has had a number of significant successes. For example, major remedial works were carried out to the Scott Memorial Fountain and a replica weathervane was commissioned. At the same time, the road was realigned and York stone paving was laid around the monument. The effect was dramatic and highly visual, and set the standard for conservation improvements in the village. In total, three listed public monuments were improved through the scheme. The accessibility and attractiveness of the area for the benefit of residents and businesses has been improved through public realm enhancements, which have bolstered civic pride and provided a vehicle for involving the community in the design of their village. The improvements also increased commercial confidence, leading to further funding.  The first year of the HERS scheme is considered to have been successful, restoring commercial confidence as improvements lead to an increase in the number of visitors and a decrease in vandalism resulting form community ownership of the improvement. 27 homes and 660 square meters of commercial space have been improved. 14 jobs were created and 2,916 square meters of Tynemouth's streetscape was enhanced.


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