Tewkesbury Market Town HERS

©English Heritage

Region: South West

Owner Type: Many

Funding Body: CAPS; HERS (EH); Private; Public

Year of Intervention: 1998 - 2002

Summary: Tewkesbury- realising the potential to attract visitors in a medieval abbey town through the aid of the Conservation Area Partnership scheme (CAPS) and Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS).

Description: Tewkesbury is a medieval market town in Gloucestershire which is exceptional in the survival and quality of its historic buildings.
Issue: On arrival in Tewkesbury, however, the visitor has long been presented with a shabby and unkempt town, dominated by heavy traffic, noise and a large number of empty shops, offices and flats. Bargan-basement stores and charity shops have dominated the historic core. Tewkesbury has always had great potential which is only now being realised.
Strategy: A CAP scheme was implemented in Tewkesbury between 1998 and 2000 and achieved some notable successes. Further funding was sought through a three-year HERS, which commenced in 2000, to continue the regeneration process started by the CAPS. The scope of the HERS includes building repairs, reinstatement of architectural features and original shorefronts, environmental improvements to the rear of the main streets and historic alleyways, the creation of vehicular access to the back of Barton Street and High Street, the promotion of living over the shop, the redevelopment of Bishop’s Walk centre and the redevelopment of wasteland areas on the waterfront.
Outcome: The HERS was funded by 176, 439 of English Heritage grant, which levered additional public sector funding of 176,439 and further £492,703 of private sector funds were invested. By 2002 the HERS action plan had resulted in the completion of 11 projects and a further 18 are programmed for completion by the end of the scheme.

Keywords: Funding, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration

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