Horncastle CAPS

©English Heritage

Region: East Midlands

Local Authority: East Lindsey

Owner Type: Many

Funding Body: CAPS (HLF and EH)

Year of Intervention: 1995 - 1998

Summary: Horncastle- putting the heart back into a rural Lincolnshire market town through the Conservation Area Partnership schemes (CAPS).

Description: Horncastle is a rural market town located in Lincolnshire.
Issue: A significant number of buildings were identified as at risk, public spaces were in need of enhancement and problems of disrepair, vacancy and underuse of buildings were an issue.
Strategy: The CAP scheme for Horncastle began in 1995 as an English Heritage funded project until 1998. From then until its completion in December 2001 it was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The scheme is run in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council and administered by East Lindsey District Council. Other funding sources included the Lincolnshire County Council, Horncastle Town Council, the European Regional Development fund, the Rural Development Commission and East Midlands Development Agency, as well as the private sector. Only buildings and areas identified in the Action Plan are eligible for grant aid. Grants are targeted at buildings at risk and reinstatement work, which usually cover 60% of the eligible expenses.
Outcome: Over the six years that it operated, grants were given to 72 properties, eight enhancement schemes were implemented and three design/feasibility studies undertaken. In the lifetime of the scheme, over £1,750,000 was invested in a town with a population of just over 5,000. The grants were targeted at commercial buildings, vacant buildings, and the reinstatement of original features. Fourteen vacant buildings have been repaired and brought back into productive use, the majority into commercial use. Significant public places, including the Market Place and the ‘gateways’ to the town centre, have benefited from enhancement schemes. The main enhancement project was at Watermill Basin, a river restoration scheme, which was awarded a Civic Trust Design Award in 2001. Overall CAPS is demonstrating a major impact on the economic vitality and quality of the life in Horncastle

Keywords: Funding, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration

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