Consett Park

details of park restoration unveiled
©Derwentside District Council
ornate Victorian bandstand that had stood in the park
©Derwentside District Council

Region: North East

Unitary Authority: Durham

Owner Type: Local Authority

Funding Body: Heritage Lottery Fund

Year of Intervention: 2001

Summary: Restoration of Consett Victorian park, through the aid of the Heritage Lottery Fund, increases public use and amenities.

Description: Consett Park, built in 1891 and gifted to the town by Consett Iron Works, is one of the last links with the industry that was the livelihood of the town up until 20 years ago.
Issue: However the park had suffered from decay and the council needed funds to restore and reinstate features of the park, thus returning the park to its former glory and back into the hearts of the community. This included plans to re-instate an ornate Victorian bandstand which was dismantled after the Second World War and use of the park as a facility for events and activities.
Strategy: In March 2001 Derwentside District Council was awarded £977,000 by the Heritage Lottery Fund under its Urban Parks Programme for the complete restoration of Consett Victorian park in Consett. The total cost of the restoration was 1.4 million, and it was designed by local landscape architects. The work began in the Autumn, and the opening ceremony was held in the Summer of 2002. The funding enabled the council to restore the original features, including the ornate bandstand, the weather fountain, and washing stone; install a new play area and outside theatre; and to reinstate tree, shrub and flower species. A new post of Park Keeper was also re-established.
Outcome: The restoration of Consett park has created an inviting space for the public to use which is safe, clean and free from vandalism. The new bandstand houses a music programme, art is displayed in the park and outdoor theatre takes place on a purpose built stage. This has encouraged increased use of the park by local people and school children.

Keywords: Education and Outreach, Funding - Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration

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