Cornwall Monument Management Scheme

Awaiting Photography

Region: South West

Owner Type: Many

Funding Body: English Heritage; Cornwall Heritage Trust; Cornwall County Council; Other partner organisations/individuals

Year of Intervention: 1994 - 2004

Summary: Established in 1994, the Cornwall Monument Managment Scheme has allowed essential conservation works to be carried out on scheduled monuments at risk throughout Cornwall.


This is a county-wide scheme, encompassing a variety of scheduled monuments in Cornwall. Similar schemes are now operating other counties in the South West, including Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire and Dorset, as well as Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks.


The scheme is devised with the intention of providing essential management and repair works to scheduled monuments under threat from serious damage.  Damage to monuments is caused by a variety of sources, including erosion by animals, people or natural causes, or by deliberate vandalism.  Once vulnerable sites have been identified, they are each individually assessed for management needs and remedial action.  In more complex cases a management plan may be produced to guide the works.


The Cornwall Monument Management Scheme is run by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit in partnership with English Heritage, The Cornwall Heritage Trust and Cornwall County Council. The close liaison of the main partners identifies priorities for essential works on monuments.  The scheme often draws in additional partners as District Councils and owners of monuments.


The Monument Management Scheme is an example of local partners working together in an effective manner to target management priorities on scheduled monuments with limited resources.  This Scheme often draws in extra support and finance from additional partners.

Keywords: Funding , Management Plans, Preservation and Maintenance

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