HELM Training Programme 2011

HELM Training courses are free of charge (unless stated) and funded through the HELM training programme. Please read the section in the promotional leaflet detailing 'who should attend?' to see whether this course is appropriate to you. 

Please note all dates are subject to change.

To book your place

Unless stated below, places can be reserved by telephoning Sam Powell on  or email at . A booking form will be forwarded to you if places are still available. Please complete and return to confirm your booking.

NOTE:  The training courses listed below are aimed at staff in local authorities and similar organisations whose work impacts on the historic environment. If you do not work for a local authority and/ or your job role is not in the target audience you can still add your name to the waiting list, as last minute places may become available. If you are a Heritage Champion please e-mail  to enquire about available training for Champions.  


A calendar of training events is available to view below.  Promotional leaflets including course content will be added (as links) when available.  Click the course title to download the pdf leaflet



8 September.  The Setting of Heritage Assets.  Liverpool. The target audience includes planning and conservation staff, Historic Environment curators, consultants working with the historic environment and dealing with setting issues. These events will provide technical examples to those who need to work with the guidance.

22 September.  The Setting of Heritage Assets.  Durham. The target audience includes planning and conservation staff, Historic Environment curators, consultants working with the historic environment and dealing with setting issues. These events will provide technical examples to those who need to work with the guidance.



6 October.  Integrating Marine and Coastal Planning.  Peterborough. This course is aimed at planning experts and other local authority staff in coastal areas. Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) staff may also find this course of benefit.

20 October.  The Setting of Heritage Assets.  Lichfield.  The target audience includes planning and conservation staff, Historic Environment curators, consultants working with the historic environment and dealing with setting issues. These events will provide technical examples to those who need to work with the guidance.


27 October.  Understanding the Marine Historic Environment.  Plymouth. This course on marine heritage is aimed primarily at Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority officers and committee members, Local Authority archaeological officers and members of relevant organisations with responsibility for managing the marine environment.


3 November.  Stopping the Rot 2011.  Hinkley, East Midlands. This course will provide specialist training for local authority staff working in planning, conservation, development control, enforcement and legal departments, and will provide an update on the revised Stopping the Rot guidance.

10 November.  Stopping the Rot 2011.  Manchester. This course will provide specialist training for local authority staff working in planning, conservation, development control, enforcement and legal departments, and will provide an update on the revised Stopping the Rot guidance.

16 November.  Stopping the Rot 2011.  Ely, East of England. This course will provide specialist training for local authority staff working in planning, conservation, development control, enforcement and legal departments, and will provide an update on the revised Stopping the Rot guidance.

24 November.  Stopping the Rot 2011.  Hastings. This course will provide specialist training for local authority staff working in planning, conservation, development control, enforcement and legal departments, and will provide an update on the revised Stopping the Rot guidance.


8 December.  The Setting of Heritage Assets.  London.  The target audience includes planning and conservation staff, Historic Environment curators, consultants working with the historic environment and dealing with setting issues. These events will provide technical examples to those who need to work with the guidance.

14 December.  The Setting of Heritage Assets.  York. The target audience includes planning and conservation staff, Historic Environment curators, consultants working with the historic environment and dealing with setting issues. These events will provide technical examples to those who need to work with the guidance.

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