Case Study Search Results

4 case studies were found
  1. Mill Close, Orford
    Mill Close, Orford
    Mill Close is a small development of affordable housing in a prominent edge of town location that affects the setting of an historic settlement and an important scheduled ancient monument.
  2. Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of Suffolk
    Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of Suffolk
    Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of Suffolk- informing coastal planning policy through recording of the inter-tidal archaeological resource.
    Management Plans, Research & Archives
  3. Lowestoft
    Lowestoft- enhancing the image of an historic port and seaside resort through the aid of English Heritage and the Hertitage Lottery Fund Conservation Area Partnership schemes (CAPS).
    Funding, Regeneration
  4. Abbey Farm Barn, Snape, Suffolk
    Abbey Farm Barn, Snape, Suffolk
    Informed repair and reuse strategy rescues listed Grade II* Abbey Farm Barn from near collapse.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Re-use, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration

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