Case Study Search Results

3 case studies were found
  1. North Lincolnshire Conservation Area Appraisals
    North Lincolnshire Conservation Area Appraisals
    In 2003 North Lincolnshire Unitary Authority completed Conservation Area appraisals for all seventeen of the Conservation Areas in their area, also illustrating that public involvement in Conservation Area appraisals is feasible and a valuable part of the process, particularly when done in imaginative ways.
    Assessment and Characterisation
  2. Horncastle CAPS
    Horncastle CAPS
    Horncastle- putting the heart back into a rural Lincolnshire market town through the Conservation Area Partnership schemes (CAPS).
    Funding, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  3. Lincoln's Roman Monuments Conservation Plan
    Lincoln's Roman Monuments Conservation Plan
    Lincoln's Roman Monuments Conservation Plan: Informing long-term Conservation, Management and Interpretation of significant archaeological remains in Lincoln.
    Education and Outreach, Management Plans, Publication

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