Case Study Search Results

4 case studies were found
  1. Somerset County Council HER
    Somerset County Council HER
    A project to make available online Somerset County Council's 'Historic Environment Record' A comprehensive list of 21,000 records concerning all known archaeological sites in the county and also including Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Registered Battlefields and Registered Parks and Gardens.
    Education and Outreach; Social Inclusion and Access; Research and Archives
  2. St Margaret's Almshouses
    St Margaret's Almshouses
    St Margaret's Almshouses, Taunton- successful reuse of Grade II* listed building ensures its survival in a way that is sustainable and excavation provides an opportunity for education and outreach.
    Education and Outreach, Re-use, Research & Archives
  3. Langport Market Town
    Langport Market Town
    Langport- tackling decline by encouraging new businesses in a small rural Somerset market town through the aid of the Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS)
    Grants, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  4. Somerset Peatlands Project, Harters Hill Pile Alignment
    Somerset Peatlands Project, Harters Hill Pile Alignment
    Somerset Peatlands Project: Tree-ring dating helps determine the significance of a Monument at Risk through desiccation and peat wastage and thus inform the development of a management strategy for Harter's Hill Pile Alignment.
    Disaster Management, Management Plans, Sustainability

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