Case Study Search Results

4 case studies were found
  1. England's Past for Everyone - Cornwall Religious Sites
    England's Past for Everyone - Cornwall Religious Sites
    England’s Past for Everyone (EPE) is a Heritage Lottery funded project run by the Victoria County History (VCH). They run fifteen local history projects in ten counties across the country. The religious sites project in Cornwall is a study of the religious history of Cornwall up to the mid-sixteenth century.
  2. HMS Colossus
    HMS Colossus
    The extent and extraordinary preservation of the HMS Colossus is under threat of erosion caused by a reduction of sand levels over the site since 2001. A Stabilisation Trial has been established to ascertain whether it is possible to protect the timber which is currently exposed and to prevent buried timber from becoming exposed.
    Assessment and Characterisation
  3. Nine Maidens Stone Circle
    Nine Maidens Stone Circle
    The Nine Maidens Stone Circle have suffered from severe erosion in the past, however work to restore and repair this stone circle was undertaken in June 2004 and has had an amazing effect in restoring the overall appearance of the monument.
    Preservation and Maintenance, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  4. Cornwall Monument Management Scheme
    Cornwall Monument Management Scheme
    Established in 1994, the Cornwall Monument Managment Scheme has allowed essential conservation works to be carried out on scheduled monuments at risk throughout Cornwall.
    Funding , Management Plans, Preservation and Maintenance

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