Case Study Search Results

18 case studies were found
  1. Cawood/Cawood Garth
    Cawood/Cawood Garth
    English Heritage York office has worked with the residents of Cawood to help develop capacity within the community in order for them to take greater control of the management of the scheduled monument at the centre of the village. The early interest in the scheduled monument has generated additional activities around the village but has also resulted in improved access, interpretation and management on the garth. Other cultural activities include building recording, field-walking, oral history, an annual heritage festival, historical research into numerous periods and fruit tree/orchard surveys.
  2. Mount St Mary's
    Mount St Mary's
    An innovative residential scheme from a reputable local developer has revitalised this building (previously a Building at Risk) by replacing the nave aisles and presbytery with new housing, whilst still retaining the original profile of the church structure.
  3. Green Building Round Foundry
    Green Building Round Foundry
    A new, privately funded office block, constructed to BREAM standards, within an industrial heritage site of international importance.
  4. Feversham Arms Hotel
    Feversham Arms Hotel
    Privately funded development affecting the setting of nearby listed building within a conservation area and historic market town.
  5. Wood End Museum
    Wood End Museum
    Conversion and extension of a natural history museum to creative industries centre, associated with a mix of regeneration benefits as part of the renaissance of this seaside town.
  6. The Palace, Knottingley and The Empire, Moorthorpe, West Yorkshire
    The Palace, Knottingley and The Empire, Moorthorpe, West Yorkshire
    A record was made of these two unlisted early-20th century cinemas to fulfil the requirements of a recording condition attached to the planning permission for their residential conversion.
  7. Hawes, Yorkshire
    Hawes, Yorkshire
    Many towns and cities throughout the country contain areas of historic importance which are a direct link to our heritage and make a major contribution to local distinctiveness and the town’s attractiveness and marketability. Historic surfaces form an essential part of these areas and are an asset which needs careful consideration to help safeguard them.These materials form the foreground to our buildings and add considerable value to the appearance of the built form.
  8. Holbeck Conservation Area
    Holbeck Conservation Area
    Holbeck- championing a sustainable mix of offices, homes and leisure amenities in a sensitive historic industrial landscape through the Leeds City Council Urban Village Company (UVC) and HERS scheme (2000 2003).
    Grants, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  9. Helmsley Castle
    Helmsley Castle
    Helmsley Castle: state-of-the-art visitor facilities supported by the European Regional Development Fund (Objective 2) boost local economy and the visitor experience.
    Education and Outreach, Funding, Presentation and Interpretation
  10. North Lincolnshire Conservation Area Appraisals
    North Lincolnshire Conservation Area Appraisals
    In 2003 North Lincolnshire Unitary Authority completed Conservation Area appraisals for all seventeen of the Conservation Areas in their area, also illustrating that public involvement in Conservation Area appraisals is feasible and a valuable part of the process, particularly when done in imaginative ways.
    Assessment and Characterisation
  11. Castleford Heritage Group
    Castleford Heritage Group
    Castleford Heritage Group- illustrating the importance of local groups to local decision-making, lobbying and master planning in the historic environment.
    Regeneration, Social Inclusion & Access
  12. Saltaire World Heritage Site
    Saltaire World Heritage Site
    Saltaire World Heritage Site- putting management plans into action. English Heritage and Bradford Metropolitan District Council jointly fund a World Heritage Site Officer post to progress the high priority actions in the Management Plan and to monitor compliance with the Plan.
    Management Plans, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration, Sustainability
  13. Aakash Restaurant
    Aakash Restaurant
    Providence Place United Reformed Church- Conversion of disused listed former chapel into the world's largest Indian restaurant.
    Re-use, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  14. People's Park
    People's Park
    People's Park - long term management planning attracts investment and enables the repair of principal features in order to return this urban space back to community use.
    Funding, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  15. Gayle Mill
    Gayle Mill
    Re-use of an eighteenth century former textile mill- following public consultation Gayle Mill has been converted for small scale industrial water powered wood working and use as a training facility.
    Grants, Re-use, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  16. Griff
    Analytical field survey by English Heritage, requested by the North York Moors National Park Authority, produced new understanding, allowing the earthwork site to be managed and presented to visitors under the DEFRA Countryside Stewardship Scheme.
    Management Plans, Presentation and Interpretation, Social Inclusion & Access
  17. St John and St Mary Magdalene RC Church
    St John and St Mary Magdalene RC Church
    St John and St Mary Magdalene RC Church-Large grant for complex repair scheme of a place of worship in former mining community.
    Grants, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  18. Swale-Ure Washlands, Vale of York
    Swale-Ure Washlands, Vale of York
    Understanding of past landscapes in the Swale-Ure washlands will enable important sites to be protected and mineral extraction sites to be re-instated in a sympathetic manner.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Sustainability

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