National Heritage Champions Conference

Baroness Andrews OBE, Chair of English Heritage addresses the National Heritage Champions Conference

On the 15th November 2010, the National Heritage Champions Conference was held in the suitably historic surroundings of the Foundling Museum in central London. The conference gave Heritage Champions from around the country a chance to meet, share views and best practice and hear presentations on the latest developments in the fields of local government and heritage. The day included presentations from the Chair of English Heritage, Baroness Andrews, and Baroness Hanham, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Details of the presentations given can be accessed via the programme.

The conference also marked the beginning of a process by which the support provided to Heritage Champions is re-examined. Restrictions in public spending, coupled with the the promotion of the Big Society, means now is a good time to look at what more we could be all be doing to champion local heritage. This work is ongoing, but updates will be included on the HELM website.

If you have any questions relating to the Heritage Champions network then please email

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