Case Study Search Results

3 case studies were found
  1. Consett Park
    Consett Park
    Restoration of Consett Victorian park, through the aid of the Heritage Lottery Fund, increases public use and amenities.
    Education and Outreach, Funding - Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  2. The Old Vicarage
    The Old Vicarage
    Winner of the Hadrian Awards, 2003: A timber courtyard extension to The Old Vicarage at Laithkirk is commended for stretching the boundaries of design and responding sensitively to the historic context of the original building.
    Design in context, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  3. Crook Former Mining Town
    Crook Former Mining Town
    Crook former mining town-assisting diversification and regeneration of the centre through the aid of the Wear Valley District Council Crook Regeneration Strategy and Historic Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS).

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