So you’ve been appointed a Heritage Champion. What should do you do next?

  • Make contact with us. We can only support you if we know who you are. Once we have your details, we will ensure that you have up to date information about HELM publications and training and keep you in touch with developments including the emerging regional networks of Champions
  • Explore the HELM website and familiarise yourself with the material currently available. In addition to the publications already mentioned, the website contains a comprehensive library of guidance documents, and a collection of case studies of best practice
  • Research the kind of training and development opportunities available. In addition to the HELM training courses, other organisations offer training courses in related areas, such as CABE
  • Start building working relationships with senior officers within the authority, particularly those in related departments such as planning, environment, highways and regeneration
  • Find out if your authority has a Design Champion. If it has, you should organise regular liaison meetings and invite relevant senior officers
  • Make contact with specialist officers in your authority. Historic environment staff, such as conservation or archaeological officers, will be best placed to let you know what the key issues are locally

For further information on Heritage Champions, please contact English Heritage on or via email .

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