Case Study Search Results

4 case studies were found
  1. Ovaltine Factory, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
    Ovaltine Factory, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
    An appraisal of the Ovaltine Factory formed part of an Environmental Impact Assessment prepared on behalf of Fairview New Homes Limited in support of their redevelopment proposals.
  2. Hemel Hempstead - Fixing signs, lights & CCTV to buildings
    Hemel Hempstead - Fixing signs, lights & CCTV to buildings
    Signing, lighting and CCTV play an integral role within our streets and are there to improve legibility and safety for all road users. When designing these elements into the street it is best to take a ‘Less Is More’ approach, even in streets that are not in any specially designated environment, though this is particularly important when locating these features in more sensitive areas. Over use of poles and columns can overwhelm and devalue a street scene which may be known for is architecture and character.
  3. East Stand, Vicarage Road Football Ground
    East Stand, Vicarage Road Football Ground
    Preservation by record in advance of proposed demolition to enable development of new stand at Vicarage Road Football Ground.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Research & Archives
  4. Former Enfield Foundry and British Gas site
    Former Enfield Foundry and British Gas site
    Preservation by record in advance of demolition at the former Enfield Foundry and British Gas Site.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Sustainability

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