Case Study Search Results

37 case studies were found
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  1. England's Past for Everyone - Cornwall Religious Sites
    England's Past for Everyone - Cornwall Religious Sites
    England’s Past for Everyone (EPE) is a Heritage Lottery funded project run by the Victoria County History (VCH). They run fifteen local history projects in ten counties across the country. The religious sites project in Cornwall is a study of the religious history of Cornwall up to the mid-sixteenth century.
  2. Former Great Western Railway Works & Village
    Former Great Western Railway Works & Village
    Swindon’s historic railway Works and Village is increasingly recognised as an exemplar for the regeneration of heritage industrial buildings. Only fourteen years ago the buildings in Swindon’s 19th-century Railway Works lay empty and derelict. Today they form the UK’s, and perhaps Europe’s, main railway-engineering heritage showpiece.
    Regeneration; Education and Outreach; Sustainability
  3. Somerset County Council HER
    Somerset County Council HER
    A project to make available online Somerset County Council's 'Historic Environment Record' A comprehensive list of 21,000 records concerning all known archaeological sites in the county and also including Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Registered Battlefields and Registered Parks and Gardens.
    Education and Outreach; Social Inclusion and Access; Research and Archives
  4. Royal William Yard
    Royal William Yard
    Royal William Yard: working closely with English Heritage and Plymouth City Council, developers achieved a combination of high quality design in an historic setting with good commercial returns.
    Design in context, Re-use, Sustainability
  5. St Margaret's Almshouses
    St Margaret's Almshouses
    St Margaret's Almshouses, Taunton- successful reuse of Grade II* listed building ensures its survival in a way that is sustainable and excavation provides an opportunity for education and outreach.
    Education and Outreach, Re-use, Research & Archives
  6. HMS Colossus
    HMS Colossus
    The extent and extraordinary preservation of the HMS Colossus is under threat of erosion caused by a reduction of sand levels over the site since 2001. A Stabilisation Trial has been established to ascertain whether it is possible to protect the timber which is currently exposed and to prevent buried timber from becoming exposed.
    Assessment and Characterisation
  7. Nine Maidens Stone Circle
    Nine Maidens Stone Circle
    The Nine Maidens Stone Circle have suffered from severe erosion in the past, however work to restore and repair this stone circle was undertaken in June 2004 and has had an amazing effect in restoring the overall appearance of the monument.
    Preservation and Maintenance, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  8. Cornwall Monument Management Scheme
    Cornwall Monument Management Scheme
    Established in 1994, the Cornwall Monument Managment Scheme has allowed essential conservation works to be carried out on scheduled monuments at risk throughout Cornwall.
    Funding , Management Plans, Preservation and Maintenance
  9. Picture House
    Picture House
    Picture House, Exeter- enhancing a varied historic context through confident modern design.
    Design in context, Re-use, Social Inclusion & Access
  10. Tewkesbury Market Town HERS
    Tewkesbury Market Town HERS
    Tewkesbury- realising the potential to attract visitors in a medieval abbey town through the aid of the Conservation Area Partnership scheme (CAPS) and Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS).
    Funding, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  11. Clayhanger Roman Fort
    Clayhanger Roman Fort
    Clayhanger Roman Fort- protection of the historic environment in a rural farming environment through agri-environmental schemes.
    Management Plans, Preservation and Maintenance ,Sustainability
  12. Braunton Great Field
    Braunton Great Field
    Braunton Great Field- protecting and managing a medieval open field through a Countryside Stewardship Scheme Special project.
    Funding, Management Plans, Preservation and Maintenance
  13. Langport Market Town
    Langport Market Town
    Langport- tackling decline by encouraging new businesses in a small rural Somerset market town through the aid of the Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS)
    Grants, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  14. Avebury and Stonehenge World Heritage Site Special Project
    Avebury and Stonehenge World Heritage Site Special Project
    The Stonehenge and Avebury grass restoration program is a new initiative for the World Heritage Site. Funded by a special Countryside Stewardship Scheme from DEFRA, it is aimed at stopping plough damage on archaeological remains and enhancing the setting of Stonehenge.
    Grants, Management Plans, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  15. Bideford Historic Port
    Bideford Historic Port
    Bideford historic port-restoring the shops and boosting the local economy through the aid of the Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS).
    Funding, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  16. Bestwall Quarry
    Bestwall Quarry
    Bestwall Quarry- site of a major Anglo-Saxon industry is recognised by radiocarbon dating, which was otherwise archaeologically invisible due to lack of artefacts.
    Research & Archives, Social Inclusion & Access, Sustainability
  17. Somerset Peatlands Project, Harters Hill Pile Alignment
    Somerset Peatlands Project, Harters Hill Pile Alignment
    Somerset Peatlands Project: Tree-ring dating helps determine the significance of a Monument at Risk through desiccation and peat wastage and thus inform the development of a management strategy for Harter's Hill Pile Alignment.
    Disaster Management, Management Plans, Sustainability
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