Case Study Search Results

18 case studies were found
  1. Mill Close, Orford
    Mill Close, Orford
    Mill Close is a small development of affordable housing in a prominent edge of town location that affects the setting of an historic settlement and an important scheduled ancient monument.
  2. Back Lane, Castle Acre, Norfolk
    Back Lane, Castle Acre, Norfolk
    A sheltered housing development on the edge of the historic core of Castle Acre. The scheme employs materials that are characteristic of the area - flint and pantile with the flintwork being particularly well executed.
  3. The Foyer Project, North Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire
    The Foyer Project, North Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire
    This development provides both residential and educational facilities for local young people. The scheme combines both contemporary and traditional styles on this important riverside site.
  4. Ovaltine Factory, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
    Ovaltine Factory, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire
    An appraisal of the Ovaltine Factory formed part of an Environmental Impact Assessment prepared on behalf of Fairview New Homes Limited in support of their redevelopment proposals.
  5. Norwich - Prince of Wales Road
    Norwich - Prince of Wales Road
    Pedestrian guardrails have been used extensively since the 1940s, as part of the ongoing attempt to reduce conflict between pedestrians and vehicles in town centres. It has been especially favoured on the approaches to pedestrian crossings, and on signal controlled junctions where the pedestrian desire line was different to the safe controlled route. This segregation of pedestrians has resulted in higher vehicle speeds in some town and city centres, as drivers perceive a reduced risk of conflict with pedestrians, and feel more secure in their environment. However the barriers can be extremely unsightly in sensitive environments and can seriously disfigure and clutter the view of historic streets especially. In addition, they can do as much to trap pedestrians on the carriageway as to deter them from crossing.
  6. Hemel Hempstead - Fixing signs, lights & CCTV to buildings
    Hemel Hempstead - Fixing signs, lights & CCTV to buildings
    Signing, lighting and CCTV play an integral role within our streets and are there to improve legibility and safety for all road users. When designing these elements into the street it is best to take a ‘Less Is More’ approach, even in streets that are not in any specially designated environment, though this is particularly important when locating these features in more sensitive areas. Over use of poles and columns can overwhelm and devalue a street scene which may be known for is architecture and character.
  7. Shoebury Garrison
    Shoebury Garrison
    When Shoebury Garrison closed, it offered a major opportunity for regeneration in an area of deprivation as its assets included several listed buildings, a conservation area, a nature reserve and a magnificent coastal setting. However, many of its historic buildings and its sea defences had fallen into decay.
  8. Blakeney Chapel SAM, North Norfolk
    Blakeney Chapel SAM, North Norfolk
    Full recording of Blakeney Chapel Scheduled Ancient Monument and surrounding areas was achieved in advance of the site’s inevitable destruction by coastal change. The archaeological mitigation strategy, undertaken in response to a coastal realignment plan, represents a successful collaboration between English Heritage, Norfolk Landscape Archaeology, the National Trust, the consultants Halcrow, and the Environment Agency. Research has provided new evidence and interpretation of the site and the ground-plan of the building will remain visible to the public for its residual life.
  9. Thames Gateway Characterisation Study
    Thames Gateway Characterisation Study
    The Thames Gateway project is the largest characterisation study ever undertaken. It will enable planning decisions to be based on an understanding of the rich historic environment in the Thames gateway, and maximise the benefits that this can bring.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Regeneration
  10. Norwich Broadland Housing Association Programme
    Norwich Broadland Housing Association Programme
    Norwich Broadland Housing Association Programme- Listed buildings have been restored for the triple motives of preserving historic architecture, providing high quality affordable homes and leading regeneration of Norwich.
  11. Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of Suffolk
    Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of Suffolk
    Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of Suffolk- informing coastal planning policy through recording of the inter-tidal archaeological resource.
    Management Plans, Research & Archives
  12. Halesworth Market Town
    Halesworth Market Town
    Halesworth- putting pride back into a small Suffolk market town through the aid of the Historic Economic Regeneration Scheme (HERS).
    Grants, Regeneration, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  13. Lowestoft
    Lowestoft- enhancing the image of an historic port and seaside resort through the aid of English Heritage and the Hertitage Lottery Fund Conservation Area Partnership schemes (CAPS).
    Funding, Regeneration
  14. Isaac Lord
    Isaac Lord
    Informing an appropriate repair strategy- detailed structural recording and tree-ring dating has provided a wider understanding of the early fabric of Isaac Lord Merchant's House, proving that it contains a rare medieval survival.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Designation, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  15. Abbey Farm Barn, Thetford
    Abbey Farm Barn, Thetford
    Precise tree-ring dating demonstrated that the timberwork in these barns at Thetford is pre-Dissolution in date, and so the surviving fabric directly relates to the adjoining Priory ruins.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  16. Abbey Farm Barn, Snape, Suffolk
    Abbey Farm Barn, Snape, Suffolk
    Informed repair and reuse strategy rescues listed Grade II* Abbey Farm Barn from near collapse.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Re-use, Repair, Reconstruction & Restoration
  17. East Stand, Vicarage Road Football Ground
    East Stand, Vicarage Road Football Ground
    Preservation by record in advance of proposed demolition to enable development of new stand at Vicarage Road Football Ground.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Research & Archives
  18. Former Enfield Foundry and British Gas site
    Former Enfield Foundry and British Gas site
    Preservation by record in advance of demolition at the former Enfield Foundry and British Gas Site.
    Assessment and Characterisation, Sustainability

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